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11 Natural Fever Reduction Medications: Cheap and Powerful Herbs Natural

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Healths - 11 Natural Fever Reduction Medications: Cheap and Powerful Herbs Natural
7 Min. Reading time, 1531 Words.

Healths — 11 Natural Fever Reduction Medications: Cheap and Powerful Herbs Natural

fever-reducing drugs are effective and inexpensive. From traditional herbal ingredients it is easy to get in the environment around us.

Rising body temperature will certainly provide discomfort that can interfere with daily activities. To overcome this, you can use natural fever-reducing drugs. If your body heat is not so high, you can immediately take a fever-reducing medicine from herbal ingredients and get enough rest. So that your heat can go down quickly as first aid.

You can find these traditional medicines easily anywhere. To use or consume it is also not difficult, because on average it only needs to be brewed with boiling water.

Traditional Fever Reducing Herbs

Some natural febrifuge remedies have been popular for a long time and have been used for generations as an effective fever-reducing alternative. You can listen to some of the following traditional recipes:

1. Coconut Water

Since long ago, coconut water has been known and used as a natural fever reducer which is quite effective. Drinking coconut water can help the body to stay hydrated and fresh. In addition, coconut also contains vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that can help restore lost water levels from the body.

How to consume coconut water:

  • Coconut water can be drunk directly.
  • Drink coconut water before breakfast, before or after meals, and before going to bed.

2. Temulawak

Temulawak is white, yellow or light yellow in color and is quite easy to find in traditional markets. Temulawak is very effective for reducing heat because it has the active substances germacrene and alpha beta curcumena.

Temulawak can also function as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, it is not wrong if ginger is often used to reduce heat naturally. To consume ginger comfortably. You can drink it in the form of tea or herbs. You can do the materials and methods by following the steps below.

Temulawak tea ingredients:

  • 1 – 2 teaspoons (5 – 10 grams) ground ginger or ground ginger
  • 220 ml hot water
  • Cinnamon powder or honey

How to consume temulawak tea:

  • Brew the ginger powder with 1 cup (220 ml) boiling water.
  • Turn off the heat and let it sit for a while.
  • Strain the ginger tea to remove the pulp.
  • Add cinnamon powder or honey as a natural sweetener.
  • Warm ginger tea is ready to be consumed.

3. Shallots

Shallots not only function as a cooking spice, but also as a traditional medicine to reduce fever. Onions can lower body temperature and relieve pain felt in the body.

You can slice an onion and mix it with eucalyptus oil and then rub it on the body or stomach, this will help the heat go down faster.

How to use shallots as a febrifuge:

  • Mix shallots with oil.
  • Apply onion oil to the body.

4. Peppermint

You can consume hot peppermint tea to reduce heat, peppermint can also provide a cooling sensation because it contains menthol in it. Peppermint tea served while warm will help the process of reducing heat through sweat that will be removed from the body.

Peppermint tea ingredients:

  • 1 handful of fresh mint leaves or powdered mint leaves, finely chopped
  • 200 ml of water or 2 cups of water
  • Honey

How to consume peppermint tea:

  • Boil water and put mint leaves in it.
  • Let it simmer for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
  • Strain the mint leaf water and pour it into a cup.
  • Add enough honey to make it sweet and the hot mint tea is ready to be consumed.

5. Ginger

Ginger can effectively treat various diseases, including lowering body heat. Brewing warm ginger tea can help reduce heat and toxins from the body that will be excreted through sweat.

Ginger can also be brewed with honey to provide a more nutritious and delicious taste for the body.

Ginger tea ingredients:

  • 2.5 cm ginger, wash thoroughly
  • 480 ml of water
  • 1 -2 tbsp. honey

How to make ginger tea:

  • Cut and rub a piece of ginger clean.
  • Put the water and ginger in a saucepan over high heat.
  • Wait for the water to boil for a few minutes.
  • Leave it for up to 10 minutes.
  • Strain the ginger brewed water into a cup.
  • Add honey to taste as a sweetener.
  • Hot ginger tea is ready to be consumed.

6. Lemon and Honey

Lemon mixed with honey has effective properties in lowering body heat. You can mix 1 tablespoon (sdm) of honey in the lemon juice that you make, the result is that the body will feel much fresher and the body heat will go down. Or, you can also make warm lemon water which is very easy to make. Follow this method.

Ingredients for honey lemon water:

  • 250 ml of water
  • 2 teaspoons (15 grams) of honey
  • 1 medium-sized lemon

How to make lemon juice and honey:

  • Squeeze a lemon in half and use a squeezer to get the lemon juice out.
  • Boil 250 ml of water for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the boiling water, then add the lemon juice and honey to taste.
  • Stir the mixture of boiling lemon juice and honey until thoroughly combined.
  • Carefully pour the lemon juice into the cup.
  • Warm lemon water is ready to be consumed.

7. Echinacea

The name echinacea sounds quite foreign, but in fact it has been used for generations as a natural fever remedy. You can give tea containing echinacea to boost the immune system. It also fights infection effectively, so your body heat will go down faster.

Echinacea tea ingredients:

  • Dry the echinacea flowers for 12 months, or you can use echinacea tea powder products.
  • 250 ml of water or a cup.
  • Honey to taste for sweetener.

How to make echinacea tea:

  • Take dried echinacea flowers or a teaspoon of echinacea powder.
  • Boil 250 ml of water.
  • Brew hot water with tea powder or dried echinacea flowers.
  • Add honey to taste and stir until combined.
  • Warm echinacea tea is ready to drink.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a cooling effect on the body. Aloe vera has long been popular as a medicinal plant that is effective in dealing with body heat. You can apply aloe vera leaves on body parts such as the forehead to reduce body heat or process the meat into a fresh drink.

Aloe vera tea ingredients:

  • Aloe vera skin

How to make aloe vera tea:

  • Wash aloe vera skin thoroughly.
  • Cut the aloe leaf into small pieces or chop like tea leaves.
  • Dry in the sun to dry or can use the oven.
  • Brew the dried aloe vera skin using hot water or boil it with water.
  • Aloe vera tea is ready to be consumed.

9. Vegetables and Fruits

Lowering heat naturally can be done by eating lots of vegetables and fruits that contain lots of water. Watermelon and melon can be fruit choices to reduce heat, while for vegetables, you can choose cucumber or celery and many others.

Vegetables and fruits that contain lots of water can also restore lost body fluids, so your body heat will drop faster.

How to eat vegetables and fruits:

  • Consume fruits or vegetables directly by cleaning them first and then eating them.
  • Turn vegetables into a warm soup.
  • Or, you can also make fruits or vegetables as a refreshing juice.

10. Chamomile

This tea from chamomile flowers not only has a fragrant and refreshing aroma, but can also function as a natural febrifuge. You can boil water and soak chamomile tea leaves for 1 minute, after which you can add honey to give it a sweet taste.

This tea will reduce body heat effectively, including for children, because of the refreshing taste of tea, children do not refuse to consume it.

Chamomile tea ingredients:

  • flowers to taste or chamomile flower tea powder
  • Water 250 ml / cup
  • Honey to taste.

How to make chamomile tea:

  • Boil 250 ml of water and add a teaspoon of chamomile flowers.
  • Leave it for five minutes.
  • Pour boiled chamomile water into a cup and add honey as a sweetener.

11. Ginseng

Ginseng is a leading herbal plant from Korea. This plant can function as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. This traditional medicine has also been used to reduce body heat and effectively treat body pain.

This herbal plant can be consumed as food or drink, you just need to consume it warm to get effective benefits.

Ingredients & equipment for making ginseng tea:

  • Two weeks of dried ginseng or ginseng tea powder.
  • Water 1 liter
  • Slow cooker

How to make ginseng tea:

  • Wash the dried ginseng thoroughly to keep it clean. Or take a pinch of powdered ginseng.
  • Soak the dried ginseng for a few minutes so it doesn’t get tough.
  • While waiting, prepare a slow cooker containing 1 liter of water and heat the water.
  • Then, cut the ginseng and put it in the slow cooker.
  • Boil for up to 3 hours to get ginseng water that is efficacious.
  • If you have, pour enough ginseng water into glasses and cups. You can add sugar or honey to reduce the bitter taste.

That’s a natural remedy that can reduce heat effectively. Besides being easy to get, these natural remedies have also been used for generations.

Now you can enjoy the warmth of wedang at home.

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