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When Is the Best Time for Sports..?

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Fitnesses - When Is the Best Time for Sports..?
4 Min. Reading time, 968 Words.

Fitnesses — When Is the Best Time for Sports..?

When is the best time to exercise regularly..? Is it in the morning after waking up ..? Or in the afternoon and evening when you have finished doing all the activities and then take the time to exercise at night..? To make exercise more effective and beneficial for the health of the body, then you must know the important factors, one of which is the alarm that the muscles of the body have.

A study states that the body’s skeleton and muscles have their own alarms and times to determine when to exercise and when to stop. Then where is the right time to do sports from the 24 hours you have in a day ..?

Knowing the best time to exercise according to research

Did you know that all cells in our bodies have their own clocks and schedules to perform their respective tasks. The natural body clock or known as the circadian rhythm has the function of regulating the body’s time to wake up, sleep, eat, or perform various other activities.

So, if you have 24 hours in a day, then the body will automatically regulate and determine the time to eat and other activities. All body cells have a circadian rhythm, including the muscles you use to perform various daily activities also have their own timed rhythm.

1. Exercising in the morning makes activities feel fresher.

Exercising in the morning has become a common thing and many people do it for the sake of getting its health benefits.

A study in The Journal of Physiology tested 100 people to determine the effect time of exercise had on influencing circadian rhythms on the following days. Through this research, it is known that exercising at 7 am can help you to start activities earlier the next day.

This means that you feel refreshed for a full day and are ready to exercise sooner after waking up than exercising in the afternoon or at night.

Before breakfast is the best time to exercise in the morning, because it can burn fat up to 15 percent of body fat. However, if you’re worried about the quick energy drain during your workout, fill your stomach with a light, energy-packed meal about 2 hours in advance. This will prevent the occurrence of abdominal pain during exercise.

2. Exercise during the day is more effective for the condition of the body

A study in the journal Cell Metabolism conducted experiments on mice to determine whether the muscles have a natural clock for activity. As a result, it was found that rats were more actively running on spinning toys when they did so at night. Rats are nocturnal animals or are more active at night.

Based on these results, the researchers concluded that genes are involved in regulating the rat’s circadian rhythm to work very effectively at night. This mouse gene also has the human body. On the other hand, humans are more active during the day. So that researchers assume that humans will be more effective to exercise during the day.

If you intend to exercise during the day, you should do it between 14:00 and 18:00. During this time, your body temperature is at its highest, which can optimize muscle function and strength, enzyme activity, and endurance during exercise. Avoid exercising in the middle of a very hot day because it can be quite dangerous for the body.

3. Exercise in the afternoon and evening if you are very busy with activities

If indeed you are very busy and do not have the right time to exercise in the morning, then it is actually not a problem to do physical activity in the afternoon or evening. If you want to exercise for a longer duration without worrying about clashing with other activities, the afternoon or evening could be the best time for you.

Other research shows that this afternoon or evening exercise can improve a person’s sleep quality. A survey from the National Sleep Foundation found as many as 76-83% of people who exercise before bed have improved sleep quality better than those who do not exercise at all.

The body also has the fastest reaction time in this time frame, making it suitable for HIIT (high-intensity interval training) training. However, you can also do other sports, such as brisk walking or jogging to increase the heart rate again, which will decrease in the afternoon until the evening.

When is the best time to exercise?

To date, there are no definitive studies or benchmarks that state the best time to exercise. People who wake up late in the morning will find it difficult to exercise in the morning. Meanwhile, night exercise, which research shows can improve sleep quality, may even make it difficult for some people to sleep.

Aside from when to exercise, the American Heart Association places more emphasis on consistency as your key to experiencing the benefits of exercising. Therefore, it is important to choose sports activities that you prefer to be more easily motivated.

Exercising is certainly better than not exercising at all. There are various types of exercise that you can do throughout the day, including:

  1. walking, jogging, and running,
  2. aerobics or dancing (dance),
  3. swimming,
  4. strength training and weight lifting,
  5. cycling,
  6. climbing stairs,
  7. yoga or pilates,
  8. boxing or kickboxing, and
  9. martial arts, such as karate, taekwondo, and pencak silat.

After choosing the right type and time to exercise, now is the time for you to do it consistently. To get the benefits of exercise for physical fitness, do at least 150 minutes per week or 30 minutes five days a week.

You also need to balance this physical activity with the intake of healthy and balanced nutritional foods. Also pay attention to always adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, getting enough rest, and avoiding alcohol.

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